Our Features

Explore the Unexplored With Smile UnionPay

According to the global CRS report, less than 10% of China’s 1.4 billion people have UnionPay International cards. Get it now and enjoy great discounts. The only UnionPay Gold Card is neither the Master Card nor the Visa Card. There is only the Smile UnionPay International Card. Imagine the endless possibilities of the market in the future.

Trusted Partner

Issued by the official authorization of UnionPay International.

Fast Process

Top up in seconds and pay by POS, QR code ,and online shopping.

Online System

All-in-one card (cash/cold/hot wallets)

Currency Conversion

Support multiple fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies.

Living in the whole world

One card in the hand Consum Global.

Support ATMs

More than 180 countries' ATMs withdraw USD or Local currency.

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Fast Transaction, Easy Payment by Smile UnionPay

One card in the hand and place in any country to live.  Support multiple fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies

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Ready to Make Your Life Easier?

One card in the hand and place in any country to live.  Support multiple fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies